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As contract lobbyists, we are afforded the opportunity to work in various sectors impacting South Carolina public policy.


Our clients represent over SEVENTY BILLION DOLLARS in economic impact to the Palmetto State and OVER 260,000 JOBS for the hardworking people of the state.

Our clients include the solar industry, the film industry, health care providers, educators, financing companies, and other public policy initiatives. Having been involved in public policy for a combined 60+ years, we are capable of handling most any issue that is discussed under the dome in Columbia and Washington.​



The State Ports Authority ran into problems in the SC Senate when asking for state support in attaining roughly half a billion dollars. Upon running into this wall, they knew they could turn to TT&B for help. With our assistance, the SPA attained the needed $550,000,000 through the traditional appropriations process.


Landmark legislation only comes along so often, and in 2019, the landmark Energy Freedom Act found its timing. TT&B spearheaded the lobbying efforts on behalf of the Solar Energy Industry Association to enact sweeping utility reforms and knock down the prohibitive barriers to solar development and renewable energy in South Carolina. Taking on a utility lobby comprised of 50+ lobbyists at the time, our team fully leveraged our legislative relationships to set the standard for energy reform in the Southeast. At the time, this legislation was hailed as a national model in renewable energy policy.


When the City of Columbia decided to reroute the Assembly Street railroad tracks to alleviate the decades long traffic issues, they found it was going to cost them roughly $30,000,000. With short notice, they hired TT&B, and we assisted them in attaining the first half of that funding. We expect the second half to be attained in the current budget as it makes its way through the process. In total, our firm assisted Columbia in securing over $40,000,000 in the state budget last year, the largest amount ever given to the City.


Upon hiring TT&B in 2016, the Carolina Film Alliance had a dwindling budget and a state agency who was showed animus toward their efforts. In the intervening years, the CFA has seen nothing but success by attaining well over $50,000,000 in funding for film production in South Carolina due to TT&B’s success in lobbying the General Assembly. The once hostile state agency is now a supporter of film and is supportive of the Film Office’s growing presence and success.


In 2021, Anheuser Busch decided to flex its muscle by making beer distributors in South Carolina eat the costs of upgrades that the distributors did not agree to. Being bound by a unilateral contract, the beer distributors turned to TT&B to have the Legislature pass a statute prohibiting beer manufacturers from unilaterally adding costs to their distributors. In a route, the House and Senate agreed, and with TT&B’s help, the SC Beer Wholesalers Association dethroned the King of Beers in the Palmetto State.


One of America’s largest companies, McKesson Corporation, had tried and failed to pass central fill pharmacy legislation in South Carolina for a decade. Upon hiring TT&B in 2022, the same road blocks presented themselves in the Senate. Using our firm’s knowledge of legislative rules and procedure, we attached the language we needed to a germaine piece of legislation, and secured McKesson the ability to open central fill pharmacies in South Carolina. It wasn’t the smoothest process, but we got the job done for the client.


In 2021, telecom giant Verizon was tripped up in the Senate trying to pass their small cell legislation which enables 5G in the state, they turned to TT&B to come up with a way to achieve passage of their bill. After multiple sessions of failure by others, TT&B was able to use its strong relationships in the Senate to pass the legislation which Verizon needed.

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